Once again, the power of the internet
works it's magic! Below are pictures sent to me from Neil H. Korbas.
Neil, along with me, was a member of the second graduating class
of the 9th Infantry Division Sniper school at Bear Cat, RVN,
November 1968.
Neil is pictured here receiving
his diploma from Gen. Timothy. Neil is currently living in
Spokane WA., and is a Deputy Prosecutor for the DA's
office in Spokane. If you have any pictures or information
about sniper school, please contact me or Neil. Neil's home
phone number is 509-624-9456. He will be glad to speak with
you! |
I'll try to ID some of the folks
in the picture, but please, if you can help us, let me know
if you recognize anyone here. We do know that in the front row
left side, the first three troopers are Stanley Burwell,
Deono Miller (Burwell was Neil's partner and Miller was my partner)
and Casey Stengle. Bruce Renton is in the front row, far right.
Neil is in the back row, second from right. I am standing in
the back row, right of Neil. |

commendation might be a bit hard to read, but it was recently
given to my partner, Deono Miller by the State of South Dakota
for Deono's outstanding contribution both in Viet Nam and
after he came home, helping his fellow citizens and veterans
better sooth the wounds of Viet Nam. After returning from Viet
Nam, Deono went thru his own healing period, then started
working with many veterans, schools and organizations where he
spoke, displayed articles and shared his experiences with
others to help the healing process and give people a better
understanding of the war in Viet Nam. Congratulations,
Miller....not bad for an old dirt farmer from South
Dakota!!!!!! Congratulations also to Deono's wife, Lona, who's
a fantastic person, and to his three beautiful and talented
daughters. May God continue to bless them all! |
is a great picture. How many times have we been in this situation!
This guy was with us in the 3/60th, but I can't remember his name.
Help, anyone!
is a picture of Col Geraci, 1st Bn., who, with LTC Schroder, seen
below, landed to fly out a wounded trooper and ended up in the
soup. I don't remember where this was taken, however I hope he
didn't pull the trigger on that M-16! Photo by John Gardenhire.
Thanx to Mike Burke for the ID.
is the rescue party carrying out some of the wounded. The guy
in the front right was LTC Schroder, CO of the 2nd Bn., 39th Inf.
LTC Schroder was later KIA. They named a FSB after him in the
Plain of Reeds. Special thanx to Cliff Schultz.
Dugger Jr., I think, enjoying something that resembles watermelon.
Dugger was one hell of an M-79 man!
taken at Tiger's Lair, 3/47th sometime between April '69 and August
'69. If you were there, this is part of Bravo Company, right across
the street from HHQ, right next to the MP compound.
two guys were also with me, but again, no names. I think the one
guy's name might be Sabray, or something close.
bless the RTO! Before going to sniper school (and my dad wondered
why in the hell I volunteered for that) I was an RTO. The only good
part about being an RTO was you got the cushy night spot to sleep
near the LT. |
know, I really feel sorry for everyone who had to go to RVN and was
not an 11B. They were deprived of this type activity. I mean, hell,
people pay good money to spend lots of time in the water! Look at
this guy, he smilin'...kinda! |